Tuesday, July 04, 2006

Project Complete!

YahtaH! After such a long time, my Hitsugaya Custom is finally completed!

Here are a few pictures of the kit.
From the front,

From the back,


From the side,





And now with the Gun and Shield instead of the Zambaktou,

Weapons set,


Yup thats it! Hope to hear ur criticism :thumbs:
This is my 3rd kit to date
Pls enjoy it =)
My next goal : Improve on the paint texture and improve on masking an covering seam lines!

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

An Update on my Latest Modeling Project - X10A Fenrir, Hitsugaya Custom

Hello, for my second post ill post up pics of my latest project. Since my favourite 2 animes are GundamSeedDestiny and Bleach, i decide to combine my favourite elements of both animes: Freedom Gundam from Seed and Captain Hitsugaya from Bleach.

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The Freedom Gundam is originally a primarily blue and white gundam, and Hitsugaya's Shinikami uniform is white and black. So i simply decided to use a white/black colour scheme with small parts and details highlighted in silver and metallic light blue for a "bling bling" effect. In particular, do note that the winglets on the backpack are all originally in 1 colour, i had to do something called masking, which is simply to use masking tape to hide the parts that belong to 1 colour, then spray over the other colour so that the masked parts dont get the paint.

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heres more pictures of the wings with stencils on them.

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I had to cut out some spare plastic sheets to make the "10th" logo on the back part of the Freedom's skirt.

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The feet which were originally blue were also painted copper-brown to give the impression that he is "wearing" something like a sandal that Hitsugaya wears.

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The calf was also difficult to paint as i wanted a gradual colour effect and yet have the number 10 stenciled onto it.

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here are some other parts that warrent some attention.

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well, thats it for now. The head and weapons are still missing and the Base is still being prepared. Will update those at a later date.

Feel free to criticise!